Monday, February 14, 2011

Common LCD panel faults

I thought you would be interested in getting familiar with most of the common faults exhibited by LCD TVs and monitors, and how they are sometimes described. You have probably seen some of them before. I plan to illustrate  these faults by use of pictures.
 Common faults:
* Horizontal bar
* Vertical bar
* Vertical line(s)
* Horizontal line(s)
* White screen
* Grey/Black screen (No display)
* Rainbow display
* No backlight
* Terrible Motion Blurr, etc

However, there is an important question begging for answers. Knowing the answers can help a great deal in understanding why certain faults seem to be common. The question is: why are LCD panels so prone to faults? This is one question I promise to address sooner or later...
If you have been visiting this blog and are interested in the subjects covered, you may add your comments, or you can ask questions if you have any and I will try my best to respond as soon as I can. All the best!

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