Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Common LCD TV features

* HD (High Definition TV)
* HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)
* VGA port
* SCART (21-pin port)


Friday, April 8, 2011

What Determines What LCD TV to Buy?

What determines the LCD TV you choose to buy? What should you look for in an LCD TV? I stated earlier in one of my first posts that LCD panels are generally the most expensive parts of LCD TVs, and the most susceptible to damage. So if you're concerned about spending too much on TVs, I suggest you have these tips in mind: First and most important - What LCD panel is usually found in a particular TV model..............

Below is a list of common LCD panel makes/brands:
* Chimei Optronics (CMO)
*  AU Optronics (AUO)
*  LG.Philips
*  LG
*  Samsung
*  Quanta Display Inc. (QDI)
*  Sharp
Also, below is a list of LCD panel models and compatible T-CON, showing also their VCC rating:
NOTE: T-CONs are generally made to accept either 5 or 12Volts VCC.
*   Troublesome screen: Samsung,  32….  T-CON: 324046WHC6L V2.2
*  CMO, V260B1 –L03  Rev. C2
* LG.Philips, LC171W03 (C4)
* Samsung, LPA320AP02
*  AU Optronics, T260XW03 V.3
*  AU Optronics, T260XW02 V.1
*  AU Optronics, T370XW02 VC;  T-CON:  12V
*  Samsung, LTF320AA01
CMO, T-CON: V270B1-L01-C
* CMO, T-CON: V320B1-L01-C,
Samsung, LTF220MT05; T-CON attached: LTF220MT05S2LV0.3_HF
* Samsung , LTA400HTSL4L V0.3
CMO,  ; T-CON: V260B1-C0
* LG.Philips, LC420W02
*  AOU, T370XW01  V0-V2
*  BEO
LG, LC220WXE, T-CON attached-5Volts
T315XW01_V5/T260XW02_v2;  5Volts
Sony TV KLV-32S310A  uses Samsung, 320WTS2L2.7 T-CON: 320WTC2L V3.7
Sharp, LK420D3LA43; T-CON: CPWBX  RUNTK 4323TP

Note: I am still gathering information to post and update. I will be better. If you have read this post, please drop a comment to urge me on.

Why Get LCD TV?

Whereas in developed countries, LCD TVs are so common that you'll likely find them in most households, in certain other parts of the world, they are still very much a novelty. In these parts of the world (like some places in West Africa), people are usually afraid of buying these appliances because they wonder: "If it develops a fault, who's gonna fix it?" But there's good news! Electronics technicians have been keeping abreast with new display technologies even before they started getting common. That's the trend. So, your neighbors generally can find a solution to their faulty LCD TVs.